Why Has No BodyTold Me This Before? Personal Development Practical - Blog by digitalis Products

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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Why Has No BodyTold Me This Before? Personal Development Practical

To maintain your mental health

When we talk about health, we often think about physical well-being. Although it is fundamental to a good quality of life, we cannot forget the other side of the coin, namely mental health. This could be defined as the optimal balance between emotions and the attitude we adopt in the face of circumstances.

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According to the constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), it is an integral and essential element for our health: « Health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, which does not consist only of the absence of illness or infirmity Â». In fact, according to this renowned institution, the absence of mental disorders is essential for a person to be considered healthy. Mental health, according to this organism, is defined as a state of well-being in which people meet their needs and are able to cope with the normal stress of life, work productively and contribute to community life.


In fact, if we enjoy good mental health, we optimize our ability to think, express our thoughts and feelings, interact with those around us, lead a more functional life and enjoy it. It must also be taken into account that emotional and mental stability are intimately linked to empathy and sociability, which is why they feed each other back.


What factors affect mental well-being?

According to the WHO, social factors such as financial difficulties, stressful working conditions or too rapid social changes can harm our mental health. There are also biological factors that depend on each, such as suffering from mental disorders that, in turn, can have a genetic origin or be caused by biochemical imbalances in the brain. More recently, studies show that an imbalance in the intestinal flora could have an influence on mental health, especially stress and depression.

While the previous factors are difficult to control, there are others that we can more or less play on, such as our lifestyle or habits. For example, being very stressed can deteriorate our mental health. On the contrary, lifestyles that encourage healthy habits, including good management of stress and emotions in general, can increase the activity of brain regions that regulate confidence and self-esteem.


It is therefore important to take care of yourself on a daily basis in order to be healthy not only physically, but also mentally, to develop your ability to recognize your emotions, to take into account the information they bring us every day and to work from them. We will see, below, some habits that can help you feel better and face everyday difficulties as effectively as possible.


Diet and mental health: take care of your diet for optimal mental well-being

Adopt a healthy, varied and balanced diet, composed of an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables. Keep regular schedules and take the time to eat calmly. Avoid drinks containing caffeine or alcohol or, if you consume them, do it in moderation.

An adequate diet provides the necessary nutrients to contribute energy and vitality to the body and thus promote good mental health.

Practice sports regularly: the benefits of exercise on mental health

Not only does physical exercise, when it is not done solely by obligation, promotes a feeling of well-being, but it also reduces stress. Indeed, sport helps to release certain hormones and neurotransmitters such as endorphins and serotonin, which are part of what is popularly called « happiness hormones Â».

For this reason, regular physical activity can help in case of depression and can help develop a more positive attitude in life.

In general, it is advisable to do 2h30 of aerobic activity per week such as running, cycling or swimming. These recommendations must be adapted according to the WHO in accordance with everyone’s individual abilities, age groups and tastes.


Rest enough for a healthy mental state

We better face a conflict or a complicated situation if we are rested. So, try to always go to bed at the same time and sleep about 7 to 8 hours a night or the time you need to get up with the feeling of being rested. We do not all have the same needs in the number of hours of sleep but we notice when our body has not rested enough.

In addition, when you organize your professional or family agenda, regularly allow time for leisure and personal relationships, so that you can rest, be with your family, practice your hobbies and go out with your friends. Take advantage of the weekend to rest more. Similarly, it is advisable to take a vacation from time to time.

Regarding your personal, professional or academic commitments, properly plan your agenda of the day, without overloading it with activities and managing the unexpected with flexibility. If you run out of time, select the most important tasks according to your priorities and if necessary, try to delegate.


Develop personal and social relationships and rely on it

Take care of your friends and the relationship with your family, because their support is fundamental if you have to face psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety. When you feel unable to solve a problem, ask for help or advice from the people you trust. Give them your support too: helping others improves your morale and reduces the impact of stress.

In addition, social contact understood as the construction of positive social relationships is linked to the production of oxytocin, another hormone that gives us a feeling of well-being. In this sense, spending time with family and friends is one of the best things you can do for your mental health.


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Self-control techniques and strategies to manage emotions

It is essential to adopt a constructive and positive attitude to problems and unforeseen events and to learn to manage emotions so as not to fall into anxiety. In order to achieve this, it is useful to regularly practice activities such as relaxation, meditation and mindfulness, yoga, music therapy, etc. that have positive effects on the physiological activation of the body producing stress and on the activation of brain regions in connection with attention or the maintenance of physical and psychological balance. All this contributes to better control of stress and emotions.

Nevertheless, if you still don’t feel well, call a professional. Your doctor will be able to help you identify the problem and refer you to a specialist or therapist if necessary. It will teach you to change your thoughts and emotions and to develop certain behaviors that will allow you to face problems with a more positive attitude. Sometimes, specific medical treatment may be necessary in addition to therapy in order to optimize the results

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